It's funny, because it's a combination of things that is making it tricky. Overall I really like some of the classes and find them really interesting (especially surgery). But I'm currently taking 30 credits. THIRTY CREDITS! That's without taking any electives... To top that off, in the classes this semester I have so many homework assignments, online quizzes, tutorials, and other random things to do that I've already forgotten to do some, despite actually making a MS Word calendar and checking it practically hourly to make sure I don't forget anything.
A problem I'm about to face is the fact that they gave us 2 weeks off without an exam. To be fair there were still homeworks and online quizzes etc to do and there's always class to attend, but no exams to cram for. This put me into a state of zero-f**ks-given and my motivation has never been lower. This is also partially senioritis (though I'm only in 2nd year) and the desire to just be done with classes. This will be a problem for me because in the upcoming 2 weeks (checking my calendar here) I have 7 exams, 2 homework assignments due, and 6 quizzes.
I may die.
I'm also not doing as well this semester as I should be. My grades are not living up to the standards I hold myself to, but again I can't seem to find the motivation to care enough to work on it.
Prime example: I am sitting in a lecture RIGHT NOW, and instead of paying attention I am typing this up.
I'm tired of the cold weather too. It's hit the 30's a couple times in the past month and both times I took Duke for a bike ride - it was great! But anything below that and I'm just cold and miserable, and while I take him to the dog park nearly every day to play some fetch on the frozen pond, I can't wait for winter to be over.
I applied for a few internships for the summer (okay 7) and so far have heard back from 3. Tufts essentially waitlisted me (boo) but both CSU and U of I-Chicago both want to interview me! That is very exciting because those are my top 2 choices (I would love to spend 10 weeks of my summer hanging out with Jackie :D). So we'll see how that goes, hopefully I get one!
Being VP of RAM Club (research animal medicine) is probably one of my biggest highlights of my life right now. If I could devote all of my time just working on that stuff I probably would. Alex S and I make a great P/VP team, and I'm not going to lie, I'm actually kind of glad that she took over the presidency. As much as I love what I get to do, she has to deal with all of the coordination/administrativey crap. I mostly just get to do the fun stuff.
Hah, midway through typing this I thought of more stuff to do for RAM Club and then spent the last hour doing that (again, not paying attention to pharmacology, le sigh).
But I did make this cool logo:
Definitely a good use of my time.
I should just go home.