Thursday, August 19, 2010


So I've been incredibly bad at updating this month - apologies.

However part of it is because I've been incredibly busy! Which is awesome.

So when I left off I was heading out to dinner with Alaina and Amanda - which was a good dinner as I recall, very informative. Alaina is recently engaged, which is cool but terrifying. She's also moving to Wisconsin (today or yesterday possibly) and so I won't be seeing her much anymore. Amanda on the other hand I will be seeing on Saturday hooray!

Wednesday was a boring night (missing some kickball!) and Thursday was busy packing furiously.

Friday morning/early afternoon I drove down to Rochester with the babies. Got them all set up in my room with instructions to the momma as to how to take care of them and then headed down to Waterloo, IA.

We all (mom, dad, Sara, me, Megan, and Kory) went to my gramma's house for some bbq beef and then went over to the casino/hotel and met up with some of my dad's extended family. We hung out by the pool for awhile (very hot and humid) and then I wandered around in the casino and the hotel for a bit before Sara, Megan, Kory and I went back to gramma's where we popped in John Q and I promptly fell asleep.

Saturday we got up and slowly headed out to the waterpark. Spent some good time there, riding the rides, eating cookies, seeing my cousins, etc. Eventually though I had to leave and drive myself back to Rochester where I met up with Jackie. We hung out for about an hour just chatting and hanging out and then I went to my parents' and showered before driving back up to Minneapolis. Was up late late late finishing packing, got a couple of hours of sleep before driving to the VA and taking the light rail down to the airport for my flight to Denver at 7am.

Then the week of Colorado fun happened and I will expand on that later - luckily Hannah had notebook paper so I kept a very rudimentary journal (for at least the majority of the trip).

After returning from that lovely trip I have pretty much done absolutely nothing.

Worked all week - had really busy days yesterday (Wednesday) and today at work - a lot of behavior and dissections to do (busy, but actually kind of fun). Not been getting a lot of sleep though - and not even really sure why. Got about 4 hours last night and since I'm still up now I'm looking at maybe 5-6 tonight. On Monday and Tuesday I had doctor's appointments (one with the eye doctor - got contacts! and the other I got the HPV vaccine).

Well I promise to fill in the Colorado stuff later, whether in this post or the next, but right now I have to pack for camping with Kristin (the one from Australia) and sometime tonight I must sleep. So now I'm hoping to do just that.

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