Monday, July 27, 2009

Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down!

"Though we adore men individually, we agree that as a group they're rather stupid." ~Mrs. Banks from Mary Poppins.

Just watched that tonight after work at Jackie's house. Been spending a lot of time with her now that she's back from Washington and wishing I wouldn't have to ever stop. Come on Chicago Zoo! Hire me!

I also finally reconnected with Hannah, we watched Coraline and played with Belle and are trying to make plans to go bowling with the old CHS techie crew sometime, but it's hard because some of them don't live here anymore and we're all old.

This is going to be a short post. I really have been hanging out with Jackie a lot (we played Myst, went to DQ, and just hang out) but other than that just working and watching Belle grow.

Still don't know what I'm doing, still not sure about the job thing at the VA but I keep finding more things to apply to.

Went to the library to try to find American Psycho but it was already checked out and going to be on hold for someone else once it's back. So instead I went to my normal route in the SciFi/Fantasy section and picked up the rest of the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy series as well as a series by Anne McCaffrey that I've not read yet. So far the McCaffrey set is pretty good - and different from her other stuff.

I did end up getting a 0.75$ raise at Culver's - woohoo! Makes working there a lot more worthwhile. I mean if I think about it, if I worked there full time and stayed at home with free room and board I could save up quite a bit. But I'd also go insane so maybe not quite a good idea just yet.

It's amazing to me how quickly time passes. Especially since I'm not really doing anything during that time. I work, eat, sleep, watch tv, stare at my computer screen, and read and not necessarily in that order.

A few days ago I actually went to the RAC and did a circuit and thought yea I'll do this more often and get better and track my progress. That was on the 22nd and today is the 26th. Haven't been back since. Damn me and my laziness.

Apart from the weight gain my hair is also continuing to grow. It's getting pretty long, but I've decided I won't cut it until I either go back to Australia or figure out what I'm going to do next year. I have a feeling it's going to get very very long.

Belle has a vet appointment tomorrow and I have to bring in a fecal sample. Looking forward to that.

Still having issues with my dreams - things I could swear I don't want in my conscious state keep cropping up while I'm unconscious. Not to mention the glorious impossible realities that persist in dreams. Sometimes I wish I would never wake up.

Well I don't know what I'm rambling on about or why I even bothered to post today, but it has been awhile and maybe if I wasn't so lazy I'd do it more often and you'd get more fine details of my mundane life. As it is... this is all you get!

1 comment:

Javier Portillo said...

omg lol, tell me how carrying a container with belles fecal went like haha xD.