Saturday, January 23, 2010

alone, so alone


So, work has taken a drastic dive into madness. Alaina quit and had her last day last Friday (Jan. 15th) to go back to school full time before going off to vet school. Not even a week later (this Thursday Jan. 21) Amanda was fired. Which leaves me, alone. In one week we went from a lab of 5 people to a lab of 3. I no longer have anyone there who can really relate to me, who I can bitch to about work-related things, etc. It's just me vs. the people who have worked there for 4+ years.

To be fair, they aren't all the devil's children, I'm just terrified of 2/3 of them and the other I know won't stick up for me should I need it.

Not to mention, my life countdown is running out. I set up a deadline for myself a long time ago (post-Australia sometime) that I would know what the next step in my life would be by January 31, 2010. That date is fast approaching, and while I thought I was set at this job, now I'm not so sure.

I realize I need to give it time, see how bad it really is before trying to jump ship, but I keep stressing myself out, dreading each day. Not to mention I don't want to go through the agony of finding and applying for jobs again. And it's either that or getting my ass in gear and figuring out what I want to do for grad school - and then doing it. This job was supposed to help me with that decision but so far hasn't at all, other than to increase my motivation to do it just to get out of here.

In other news, on Tuesday last week Hannah came over and we finally watched 9. It was pretty awful. The plot was weak, character development was completely lacking, and it was confusing as heck. The only good things about it were the actual visual effects and the short it was based off of.

On Wednesday, Vicki and Sybylla came over and we finally exchanged Christmas presents. Sybylla gave me Troy (yay I finally got it!) and a huge box of crayons. Vicki made this awesome picture/poster from college stuff we'd done together. That was fun.

Now it's Sunday (I started writing this yesterday I think, if not Friday) and I have to get ready to drive Tom to the airport (he's leaving for upstate New York for work training for a week, boo) and then head in to work myself to help Katie with dissections. Should be fun (or not).

1 comment:

Javier Portillo said...

aww kitty, You're not alone. I'm always here for you :P. It was very nice to see you online again even if it was only for a few minutes. Hope to see you on again soon :).