Saturday, May 7, 2011

It's a quarter after one and I need you now...

Ironic that the "I Need You Now" song is playing at 1:15 am and all I can think about is calling Nathan. Sigh.

It's just hard going from being with someone to being alone. Or "single" I guess. It just feels so lonely, calling friends just isn't the same because you can't just pop by at 1am or whatever.

This week I have done a lot and accomplished nothing.

Monday, I got home from work at 7pm because our coworkers in Arizona refused to tell us what they wanted us to do with work, got home, played WoW, and that's about it.

Tuesday, I got my oil changed (stupid people didn't believe me when I told them how to shut off the alarm so it almost became a 2 hour waste of time), played WoW, and that's about it.

Wednesday I drove down to Rochester straight from work, spent the evening at the Green Mill and DQ with Jackie and then home to surprise mom for an early Mother's Day. Drove back up to the cities around 10:30pm and went to bed.

Thursday I got home, played WoW (are we sensing a theme yet?), went to my kickball game where we lost terribly (yet I scored 2 runs, go me!?), came home, went to bed.

Friday (today) I went to work, then met Sybylla and went to go see Thor (good movie, extremely hot attractive manflesh in the form of Chris Hemsworth, yummy), went to the DQ at Southdale after the movie, then home again for many more hours of WoW.

Now I'm updating my blog instead of going to take a shower and head to bed.

I've also wasted the entire week accomplishing nothing, meanwhile my second genetics test is looming on the horizon. I really should be working on that... but I just have zero motivation.

Well I'm going to head to bed and hopefully wake up to a better, brighter, happier, sunnier day.

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