Sunday, November 20, 2011

I'll be under the bridge...

So I've got some more updating to do...

I have been discreetly looking at alternative employment opportunities (ie applying for a new job) and even had 2 interviews at the U of MN (one I didn't get, the other is still undecided). I've been doing this not because I dislike my current job (or the nice salary that goes with it) but because my boss currently hates our lab and is doing what he can to make us miserable. Including refusing to communicate with my coworker about her Masters thesis (which he's supposed to be a committee member for) and basically telling us everything we do and say is idiotic and 'not scientifically based.' Like anything he says is... but I digress.

This week at work we got an odd request from our sister lab in Arizona. Basically it was to take our entire equipment inventory, put it in an excel, and send it to them (complete with model number, serial number, purchase date/price, and where the funding for it came from). There is really no logical reason they would need this information, but we didn't think too much about it.

Until of course the immediate supervisor down there (Miguel, plays a similar role to what Joe does up here) talked to Katie on the phone and informed her that 1. he was quitting and would be leaving around the holidays and 2. our money is running out and the big boss for some reason decided to not resubmit the grant. Not because it wasn't done or because it would be difficult. Just because. Meaning that our lab up here will be out of funds by March. Meaning that we will be out of jobs in March.

As much as I've wanted to leave anyway, I wanted it to be by my choice. No pressure to find a new job, plus the added bonus of being able to quit and leave them stuck there with no way to get shit done without me (or my coworker, who was going to try to leave when I did).

The weirdest thing is that we had to hear about this from AZ. So my coworker confronted Joe about it, and he knew but he remains optimistic that our boss will get his head out of his ass and plan to submit in July and pray for "gap funding" to cover us between March and July.

So the moral of this story is that, come March, I may be jobless...

In other news, I went to eat at Parkway Pizza last night with Vicki, Sybylla, and Sybylla's friend Monkey. Went and got Addy afterwards to bring to Sybylla's house where we watched Tangled and The Incredibles (and the kitten of course). A fun night, despite the crazy first snow making the roads treacherous...

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