Saturday, April 21, 2012


Well I haven't been doing the best job keeping this updated but at least it's been under 2 weeks!

So I did in fact go see Bridesmaids and it was just as hilarious the second time (if not more). Apparently a lot of the humor is "female-targeted," so if you're a guy unwilling to laugh at yourself it might not be as entertaining for you as it was for me.

On Friday that week I drove down to Rochester for the night. I basically just spent that night hanging with the family, eating pizza and cookies, and watching Harry Potter and the Sorceror's Stone with the parents.

On Saturday I got up, showered, and then met Jackie for lunch at Noodles. We spent a good 2 hours there just talking and catching up (also eating, but I think that's implied). Afterwards I headed over to her place to see her parents' new dog (a little thing, pretty shy) and then drove back home. Then mom, Sara, Megan, and I piled in the car, headed downtown, and fulfilled a dream. That's right, my mom rented 4 Segways for an hour and we got to ride around downtown Rochester on them, trying not to hit things or be hit by anything. It was pretty fun - got some pictures and Megan even took some video. Definitely an interesting experience. After that fun was done we all went over to a couple of fabric stores where Megan and I found this microfleece fabric for mom to make us some softy blankets (Happy Birthday to us!). Headed home and then I scrounged through the basement looking for likely camping supplies to borrow. Got my car all packed up and then Adam, my cousin, came over from Owatonna where he was doing some sort of work thing. The rest of the family was getting ready for a nice dinner (fish fry) with Adam but I pretty much said hi and then headed back to the cities.

I guess I had a pretty busy Saturday, but it doesn't end there! After chilling at home for a bit and socializing with my rats, I headed over to Nathan's where we cooked burgers and corn on the grill and ate outside in the gorgeous weather. It was an excellent meal.

On Sunday I think the only thing I did was go to Target for a few things and then hem and haw over Physics. Basically, at any vet school in the US and a lot of the international ones, you need to have at least 1 year of physics + 1 lab to apply. Unfortunately I waited too long to actually sign up for the completely online version at the U of MN. So that class had filled and I emailed the professor to see if I could get in and he basically told me to hope someone drops it. I kept idly searching for a different option (other schools, etc) and eventually stumbled upon an evening class offered at the U. After too much thinking, I finally took the leap and enrolled. It's 3 nights a week (Tues-Thurs) for around 2 hours a night and includes a lab. I'm nervous but also slightly excited - it should be much easier to stay on track when I actually have to attend classes and everything.

On Monday I realized I only have 2 weeks to study for genetics and so I started studying.

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