Friday, April 24, 2009

Darfur Week and Revolutionary Road

So this past week was our STAND chapter's "Darfur Week."  It was kind of a bust, no one on campus really came to any of our events (other than our Women in the Holocaust class).  Anyway, I went to our events and they were very informative, plus depressing.  

On Monday (April 20) Camp Darfur came to campus, which was basically a bunch of canvas tents covered in information about the genocide going on in the Darfur region of Sudan.  Unfortunately because of the wind and the rain they had to relocate to inside the cafeteria.  Apparently, attendance was dismally low.  Later that evening we showed a short documentary made by the University of Minnesota on the genocide, followed by a discussion with people who had recently been to the refugee camps on the Chad/Sudan border.  There was free pizza and the documentary was really well done, but only 2 people outside of our class came to it.

Tuesday my involvement with Darfur Week was in tabling, where I sat at a table outside the cafeteria and attempted to get people to sign a petition to Secretary of State Clinton to do something about Darfur.  Even though we had free candy, and all people had to do was sign a petition, hardly anyone bothered to stop.  Luckily I was only stuck there being angry at my campus for an hour, then I headed out to do homework and stuff...

Wednesday was Earth Day.  Yay Earth!  This was also the day of the big controversy.  So Proclaim (the Christian group on campus) had hired a Christian band to perform outside the campus center in celebration of Earth Day.  Apparently it was all going fine, until the band took a break from playing and decided to make a little speech.  The speech was about how he wished he could "purge our campus from the scourge of homosexuality."  What??  Yea, so that kind of talk doesn't fly well on this campus (for which I am extremely proud).  Other rude and offensive things were said by this person and shortly afterwards they were escorted off campus by Safety and Security.  Yay GAC!  Later that night we (STAND) showed "Sand and Sorrow," a more in depth documentary about Darfur.  That one had even less attendance, not even our entire class showed up.  But it definitely had us all in tears by the end of it.  

Thursday was a difficult day.  Thursday was our "Fast for Darfur" day, and while I'm sure no one on campus participated other than perhaps a few in my class, I did.  I stopped eating at midnight (Wednesday night) and didn't eat again until past sunset on Thursday.  I drank a lot of water, but its really not the same.  Especially since I've gotten back into my bad habits here at Gustavus.  I also spent a lot of time (4 hours) in the Confer lab working on mini-flash animations for my fantasy website.  Mostly I used the fun Photoshop pictures I made when I was working as a call analyst at Mayo.  I'm hoping my teacher likes it, but she seems to be very supportive of my stuff so far.  This is my final project in the class though, so I'm kind of nervous about it.  Anyway, so I spent an extra hour there after class and finally Sybylla called me.  She kindly reminded me that Heather (friend from Mankato State) was coming up today to visit and was patiently waiting there for me.  I felt like a moron for forgetting.  But we spent a fun evening catching up and me watching them eat dinner.  And afterwards we exposed Hebba to the wonders of  That was fun.  

Today, Friday, was kind of blah.  Went to work and had to hang up some butt-ugly posters for the upcoming play.  Honestly, the posters are like pure black with a weird guy's face in the bottom left corner (and his face is blurry and out of focus) and then the name of the play is in the top left corner in unintelligible script.  It's such a waste of paper, I wish they had let me design the damn thing.  So yea, hung those up, then went to my Evolution class.  The prof decided since it was so nice out today that we could have class outside.  That was nice, he even printed out copies of the powerpoint he was going to use for all of us.  Then I went to eat lunch, pick up the posters stamped by Res Life, and then back to the office.  Once I got there, I discovered it was shut and locked.  Luckily a prof was walking by and opened it for me, so I dropped off the posters and picked up the ones designated for more academic buildings, hung those up, and left work early.  Rest of the day was kind of a blur.  Since I slept terribly last night I decided to take a little nap, then spent a lot of time reading.  Later, Vicki Sybylla and I went to dinner and then to see the campus movie Revolutionary Road.  I really didn't know what the movie was about at all, other than the Titanic duo were starring in it.  Boy was I surprised!  We decided the moral of the story is to just go to Paris.  I don't think I'll ever find a burning desire to see that movie again, but it was interesting.  So we got back from that, came back to Prairie View, then Vicki got tired and left, so Sybylla's playing Sims and I'm updating my blog.  Just to prove how little really happens in my life I guess.  

The End.  For now.

1 comment:

Javier Portillo said...

my laptop somehow managed to turn on woo lol...too bad its like 3am and noone is really online...sigh. SORRY for the massive texting...its just, well i'll tell ya next time i see ya on msn or something. BUT HEY! your week sounds a lot more interesting than least :S. hope you're doing fine kitty!