Thursday, April 16, 2009

Happy Pagan Holiday!

AKA Easter.  Its date is based on moon cycles... how can it not be associated with ancient pagan festivals of spring and rebirth? That is beside the point... 

Not that I necessarily have a point.  Actually I'm fair certain I don't have one at this point.  I don't have a point at this point.  Right.

Moving on...

SO after P-Ball I finally got more dedicated to my studies and realized how much I have to do.  And I have so much to do for practically the rest of the semester, which is not good.  For instance, this week I have my photo narrative due in Interactive Media, an analysis of a reading and my research paper proposal due in Women and the Holocaust, and my 3rd Evolution test to study for.  Which doesn't sound like a whole lot but when it's packed into the 4 days directly after a break... it's a bit difficult.  Not to mention that Darfur Week at Gustavus is next week, and as the co-chair of public relations I should be doing a hell of a lot more for that.  Gah.

So far I have finished all of the above except for the full on preparation for the test.  Actually, the only prep for that I've done is to read the chapters...  and the test is on Friday.  Which leaves me tomorrow to study for it, crap.  

I spent 6 hours on Monday working on my photo narrative in the Confer lab, that was fun.  At some point a guy in there had lost his camera's memory card and was so freaked out about it he asked me to help him look for it.  He was almost pulling out his hair trying to find it, but I found it in like 2 minutes.  That was kind of strange but hey, I was helpful.  And I finished my photo narrative - which is more like a random assortment of Australia pictures.  It's set up like a website, with one starting picture that you click on.  Depending on which part of the picture you click, you get sent to another page with about 6 pictures on it and then you can click any of those to get another page.  The pages all have themes, whether a certain pereson or event or part of Australia.  I wanted to convey that memory doesn't necessarily work in a chronological order but based on relationships between things.  So yea, I think it's pretty awesome, but I'm biased and I did spend hours upon hours working on it.  

Wow, I just spent awhile (30 minutes) going through it and making sure I could find a path through the pictures that shows all the pages... tricky.  

So that's done.  Now I have to start thinking of what I want to do for my potential website.  I need a one-word concept for it and of course I'm thinking of using "Fantasy" for my word.  It can encompass pretty much anything, and lets me do things I like doing (yay dragons!).  

Previously, I went home on Thursday after my Int. Media class (and frantically packing).  Didn't really do anything all Easter break, other than eat at Culver's on Friday (and refusing to give them my name to put me on the schedule that weekend), sell my extra camera on craigslist, and go on an Easter egg hunt in my backyard after attending church.  That's right, the "Easter bunny" aka my mom actually went and "hid" plastic eggs full of candy out in our backyard for the 17, 19, and 21 year old "girls." It was fun, even if I totally lost to Megan and Sara.  But they shared with me, so it was all good.  

Anyway, I don't know what else to say and I should be studying for my test, so hopefully I'll update again eventually. 

One year ago:  I was being lazy. Lazy and depressed via loneliness.  And wow, editing pictures for a photo project.  Crazy...

Good times.  

1 comment:

Javier Portillo said...

WOW lol you sure got a lot to do kitty! but hey! you can do it!
and lol'ed at you and your sisters going hunting for eggs for candy xD. all i did for easter was....make a bunch of double cheeseburgers and then i threw out all the trashbags at night from mcdonalds and headed home. turned on my laptop, it broke and then headed to bed, depressed and at the same time with a bit of hope.