Friday, June 18, 2010

insert interesting title here

Well another week has come and gone and what's really changed? I'm sitting here at work again with little actual work to do and so am going to spend the next 45 minutes or so updating my blog.

I did drive home on Friday and arrived just in time to eat a delicious fried fish dinner with my parents and all 3 of my grandparents. Afterwards my maternal grandma (Gramma Karen) and I took Belle to the dog park in my car. Belle was so obsessed with finding toys that she ended up bringing us a total of 10 tennis balls and one frisbee, which accumulated on the picnic table we were sitting at after we got tired of throwing them for her to fetch. It was pretty fun overall, but on the way home her muddy paws made my backseat a bit dirty.

On Saturday I went to the bank where I have my savings account and finally deposited my change jar (~$103) as well as wrote myself a check. So that finished emptying out my checking account (after the car purchase began the emptying process). But it's good because now my money will start earning interest (finally). I read a lot on Saturday (For Love of Evil by Piers Anthony and The Coelura by Anne McCaffrey) and mostly vegged out. Megan came home Saturday afternoon and we went with mom early to the college to save seats for Sara's graduation ceremony. We got there an hour early and it was already packed. Megan ended up starting and finishing an entire book (~150 pages) during the wait and the ceremony itself and I finished the McCaffrey book there. It was a long and boring ceremony, as all graduations are I'm sure. Sara was one of four people reading names so at least we got to watch her do something. Unfortunately that meant she was also the very last person to have her own name called and receive her diploma so there was no chance of skipping out early. I left right after a few quick pictures were snapped and headed back to the cities just in time for another fantastic karaoke night at the Cardinal. Only Andy and Julie were there but we made it fun, and of course there were some interesting singers.

On Sunday I spent some time recovering from Saturday and then not doing a whole lot. Pretty sure I don't actually remember at all what I did on Sunday, or Monday, or Tuesday for that matter. Other than watching Secret Life of the American Teenager and working on old seasons of LOST.

On Wednesday however I do remember what happened. First I went to Target (after work) in order to buy chip dip ingredients and could not find one of the key ones. Then I got ready for kickball. Then I went to kickball. We were playing the team that my team lost to their first game (the only game they played before I joined the team). The only team in our rotation that was undefeated. Unfortunately we didn't have our lucky mascot present because Jordan went to the Twins game so we were really nervous. We were losing 1-0 until the very last inning where we managed to score 2 runs and eventually won the game. It was awesome.

On Thursday directly after work I went up to the other Target to look for that missing ingredient. Still didn't find it but did buy a cute chips and dip container thing. So then I went to the Cub Foods right next door and finally managed to find the ingredient. Went home, made the chip dip, looked up directions to Amanda's house, and headed up there for a "Ladies Poker Night." I was the first one there so Amanda and I chatted for awhile about life, work, etc. I like her, she always manages to make me feel better about things. Finally people started arriving and we started playing Texas Hold'em or however you want to spell it. We weren't playing for real money (thank goodness) and I lost pretty quick. But we cheated and supplied me with more chips from the bank and I still managed to lose those pretty quick but didn't run out again before we all elected to stop playing. Then we foolishly started watching a scary movie (The Woods) and got about 37 minutes into it before we had to stop. Anyway, the movie was just a little too scary, and we were all getting jumpy. I didn't sleep very well last night (I wonder why?) and had a lot of dreams. Not even bad dreams though, in fact one was so wonderful I almost started crying when I woke up and discovered it had just been a dream. Another was a silly one about work and washing cells... random. So I woke up a lot last night from my overactive dreaming.

And here is where I have to stop because it's been longer than 45 minutes typing this and it's time to go to lunch! I will probably continue this this afternoon, I have to run home and pack over lunch.

Had a nice lunch, didn't really finish packing but maybe I'll bust out of here early enough to still make it home by a decent time. I'm hoping tonight I'll be able to convince a sister or two to go see Toy Story 3 with me. Not really sure what else to talk about now. Other than extreme boredom all day at work today.

jeg røvkeder mig!

That's right, I went there.

I need to go somewhere.

I think it's high time for a vacation of epic proportions!

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