Thursday, January 8, 2009


Been an interesting week, and it seems like it's been longer than it has been. It's good in a way, it seems like the bad stuff happened a long time ago and I'm mostly past the raw emotional trauma of it and moved on to the sad acceptance of it. Maybe I've grown. Or maybe I'm still just in denial that it actually happened and pretending she's coming back anyday now.

It's odd hanging around the house, unnaturally quiet at times. Sometimes I'll see a pillow, coat, or something laying on the floor and just glance over it and think it's her. Or I'll come in and expect to hear barking, or hear the doorbell ring and wait for her to go crazy at the door.

Been working at Culver's, and finished dogsitting. Catsitting ends tomorrow. I broke down to Paul and Jeanne (people I was dogsitting for - Paul used to be the set designer at Century so we knew each other quite well). They were very sympathetic and even sent us a card. They also had bought me a tshirt from Jamaica which was really cool of them (not to mention overpaid me).

Past few days I've been getting off early at Culver's, which has good and bad to it. Good because I don't really like working long shifts there, but bad because I really need the money. Like today for instance I was supposed to work 11-8, and I got off at 2. That's 6 hours of work now that I won't get money for. Not to mention the fact that I got in to work 20 minutes late due to some communication issues. The new red car was in the shop for some repairs and mom, dad, and Sara had the other vehicles so dad was supposed to come get me and drive me to work. The problem was that he got stuck in a meeting and forgot his cell phone so he couldn't call me and my calls weren't going through to him. Eventually I ended up calling his coworker (her family was the one who took care of me when I totalled mom's bug in the summer of 2007) to see if she knew where he was. She didn't but she offered to come get me and bring me to work, which was great of her.

So now I've just been doing laundry and watching Gilmore Girls (and listening to the guy who's wandering around our house for an "appraisal" or something). Aaaand he's gone. NO! Ah he's not gone, he's outside now. That was creepy.

Well he's gone but mom's home. Not sure what else to talk about. So I'll stop then.

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