Wednesday, February 4, 2009


In the battles between siblings and parents, often the siblings will band together to present a united front against the parents. However, in some battles the logic of the parents serve to wear away the bonds of sisterhood and force one of them to take a more neutral stance, or even fight for both sides.

I have found myself recently in this position. I see both sides to the story and I can't help but agree with both and neither! I fully support expressing individuality in whatever way you choose to, but I also see that the world has specific ideas about what "professional" looks like and how some permanent changes can ruin that image for a person, hurting their chances of being taken professionally, seriously, or otherwise.

So there's ideals and values and then there's reality and they are warring with each other.

And my parents are on one side and my sister is on the other and I'm not sure how to reconcile the two... but I'm doing my damnedest!

No idea where my other sister stands in this battle, seems to me she's content to just sit back and watch how it all plays out.

Enough about that... although I have nothing else of interest to relate. Hmm... oh right! I still haven't gone skiing, haven't done a single painting while home, didn't finish my scrapbook from summer 2003, haven't finished my Teach for America application, or did any of the other piles of things I should have done this break. I always always delude myself into thinking I'll be so productive during this future time and it never pans out. It's like constantly letting myself down but then I get these lofty goals for some other nebulous future and when it yet again fails to occur I just make more goals. Not sure what this says about me, but I guess at least I haven't given up on the goals, whether I fulfill them or not.

By the way, I am currently procrastinating. Yep, back to my old tricks again. I guess it's really just practice for when I get back to school. I set a goal for myself (wow this sounds familiar) of cleaning out my entire room tonight and then moving on to the rest of the house tomorrow - or at least the basement with my scrapbooking stuff all over and getting my packing done.

I got so far as to make my bed and grab all the socks and other things that had fallen between the bed and the wall and then stopped to watch the latest "Heroes" episode. And then I got on Facebook. And then I got on here. And now I'm also updating my OneNote because I finally fell for those stupid Facebook note things - "If your life was a movie, what would the soundtrack be?" I'll post the results of this journey at the end of this post. Meanwhile, I wish I felt inspired to paint, or draw, or futz around on Photoshop, or finish my scrapbook, but I just don't.

I finally finished the Death Gate Cycle by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman. I started this a few years ago after finding the first book in a secondhand bookstore. It took me until Australia to find the second one and then I discovered the library had the rest. So I've devoured the last 5 during this break, along with too many other books. Been reading too much and doing too little else.

Ah well, at least I finally learned what happened to the characters.

Today was my last day at Culver's (for awhile at least). It was both a happy and sad day. Happy because I'm very tired of working there, standing all day, cleaning and taking orders and having to smile to rude customers and have people yell at me over something I have absolutely no control over. Sigh.

On the downside of leaving, no more paychecks. It's nice to work and know you're making money (even if it's money you desperately need just to pay upcoming tuition bills). Speaking of which, as per my calculations and assuming I made a certain amount from my upcoming Culver's paycheck, I'm still going to be short tuition about $600. So I am currently accepting donations... heh... yea I'm screwed. And of course that's assuming I completely empty my accounts, leaving nada. On the plus side I should be getting paid for my TA work I'll be doing this semester, probably only 3-4 more hours a week at minimum wage I'm sure but it's better than nothing.

There's a light bulb out in my room. I wonder how long it's been out and I haven't noticed. Hmm...

I wonder what books I should bring back to school with me, not that I really need to be reading my fun books (I should be studying!) but I know I'd regret not bringing some.

Man I'm easily distracted. I'll stop ranting but have to wait to officially publish the post until I find out what song the end credits of the movie of my life will be rolling to...

And here it is:


So, here's how it works:

1. Open your music library

2. Put it on shuffle

3. Press Play

4. For each category, type the song that's playing

5. When you get to the next category, press "Next"

Opening Credits: Dare You to Move - Switchfoot

Waking Up: Just Like a Pill - Pink

First Day at School: You'll Be in My Heart - Phil Collins

Falling in Love: It's Not My Time - 3 Doors Down

Fight Song: Get Back - The Beatles

Breaking Up: Everlong - Foo Fighters

Prom: Learning to Breathe - Switchfoot

Life: Just Push Play - Aerosmith

Mental Breakdown: Busted - Matchbox Twenty

Driving: Chow Down - Lion King Broadway Cast

Flashback: Stop - Matchbox Twenty

Getting Back Together: Tango: Maureen - Rent Broadway Cast

Wedding: Hero/Heroine - Boys Like Girls

Birth of Child: Walking in Memphis - Marc Cohn

Final Battle: Building a Mystery - Sarah McLachlan

Death Scene: How You Remind Me - Nickelback

Funeral Song: Starlight - Muse

End Credits: You Oughta Know - Alanis Morissette

Wonder if that's enlightening... or just a bunch of EotHB...

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