Thursday, March 19, 2009

A Grade "A" Day

My, that's a cheesy title.

But screw it!  I had a kick-ass day in terms of school. 

First, in my Women in the Holocaust class I got my paper back (the one on lesbians in the Third Reich) and I got an "A" on it!  Plus a lot of comments stating how interesting some of my points are and how clever and wonderful and creative I am.  Okay, maybe I embellished a tad here but really there were some good comments and I did get an "A."  

So then I went to lunch with Sybylla and Anna, and then off to Evolution.  It was an interesting class but then at the end all of a sudden the prof reveals that he has our tests graded already!  Dude!  We took the test on Monday, and last time he needed a full week to finish grading them.  So, knowing that he puts stickers on "A" tests, I looked at the pile hoping to see my name next to a bright shiny sticker.  I found my name, but didn't see a sticker.  So I grabbed the test out of the pile and looked at it and then I saw it!  It wasn't a sticker of a shiny, glittery fish but a random dude in a karate robe and pose.  But it was a sticker!  Meaning another "A" test!  Woohoo! I got 1/2 a point more off on this test than the last one, but still!

Elated, I texted my roommate to tell her the good news, and she acted excited for my benefit.  

Then I went to my Interactive Media class where we had our critiques for our animations.  Mine went well, and everyone had good things to say about it.  After class I stayed late to change a few things and the prof came up and mentioned that mine and a few others were definitely a "step above" the rest of the class.  Which, to me, sounds like another "A"!

So pretty much in every class I'm rocking it.  I never knew being productive and actually keeping up with assignments could feel so fulfilling!  I'm so used to procrastination and last minute cramming being my friend, but this feels nice.  Too bad I discovered it so late in my educational career.  

Aside from that, I spent the evening doing laundry, taking a shower, eating dinner, watching Family Guy, House, and The L Word, eating Dairy Queen (thanks Sarah!), and now about to pack for spring break.  

Spring break!  Tomorrow!  Hooray!

1 comment:

Javier Portillo said...

wow nice kat, gratz on the A's good job :D. and i envy u on the dairy queen thing i havn't eaten there in about 5 years? rlly good stuff