Sunday, March 8, 2009

The L Word


That's one of the "L words" the show refers to (which is obvious if you've ever seen the show).  I've recently been watching it and it's very entertaining.  

Another thing I've been doing lately is writing my paper for my Women in the Holocaust class about a book called Days of Masquerade: Life Stories of Lesbians During the Third Reich by Claudia Schoppmann.  It was actually a decent read, it pretty much summarizes experiences of 10 lesbians in Germany before/during the Nazi regime.  Did you know that there was a thriving homosexual community in Berlin and other major German cities in the 1920's?  I sure didn't.  

Also, tech for the dance concert started on Friday.  Some of the songs and dances are really fun, some are just plain weird and a bit boring.  The best dances (in my opinion) are the very first and the very last ones.  Which is a pretty clever strategy, leaving people with the impression that the whole thing was pretty darn good.  

Last night was Daylight Savings.  Meaning I lost an hour of sleep.  And then after I went to bed my brain refused to turn off for at least an hour and a half which royally sucked.  Then I got up this morning, went to Anderson Theatre, and was told that an email was sent out yesterday telling the crew we didn't need to show up.  I received no such email, but was glad to leave and get some more sleep.  

Went to a lecture this afternoon by Jaune Quick-to-See Smith, a Native American artist with Sybylla and her mom.  It was kind of interesting, and kind of boring at the same time.  Came back, attempted to have an online conversation with a few people that apparently weren't in the mood for one, watched some more of 'The L Word' and tried to write a bit more in my paper.  Went to the caf with Syb and Vicki and ate some dinner, but started feeling a bit sick halfway through so I bagged up the rest of my sandwich and brought it back for later.  Syb and Vicki went to see the talk on campus by Jason Lezak - the Olympic swimmer.  I just don't really care about him, and would rather have the extra time by myself in the room.  Plus I need to work on this paper.  On the way back from the caf I stopped by the PO's and I got my mail - a wedding invitation from Heather!  AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH people are getting married!  It was addressed to me + guest... and now I'm sad that I have no "guest" to accompany me...

Of course now I'm just procrastinating, feeling sorry for myself, and generally wasting time.  

Back to the L grind. 

1 comment:

Javier Portillo said...

sigh i had the same problem with the daylights savin shit so i went to work with 4 hours of sleep lol, wasn't fun