Friday, May 7, 2010

Dead Like Me

So today I have spent the majority of my time watching a tv series recommended to me by 2 people called Dead Like Me.

I have seriously been enjoying it and it has actually made me feel better. The main character dies in the pilot episode (don't worry, I didn't spoil anything) and so far has spent the rest of her time questioning why what happened to her happened to her and why she has to do what she has to do. She keeps trying to cheat the system, to put things in her life back the way they were or just to try to make things better, but every time she tries something goes drastically wrong. Her "mentor" lets just say continues to support her but by telling her that things are the way they are and sometimes you just can't change it but have to accept it and live with it.

Not sure if you all get why this has helped me, but I guess part of it is coming to accept my life for what it is now, not for what it was a month ago or what it was supposed to be like now. I'm still not happy with the way things are, obviously and neither is Georgia (main character) but I'm learning to cope with it and accept it for what it is.

Just now in the episode I'm watching there's a quotation I'd like to share.

"You want to be a bowling pin your whole life? Just standing there, perfectly content to be knocked down time and time again? Or would you rather be the ball? I gotta tell ya, being the ball feels a hell of a lot better."

That's all. For now at least.

1 comment:

Liz said...

I love that quote so much, I put it on my FB page. It really is true!

Here's to being the bowling ball!